MUHLE - STYLO Spalted Beech Shaving Set Brush and Mach3 S 091 H 72 M3


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MUHLE - STYLO Spalted Beech Shaving Set Brush and Mach3 S 091 H 72 M3

This product by MÜHLE is the perfect companion for everyone who have a touch of the cosmopolitan about them. The clear design language of the KOSMO line is accentuated by a striking chrome neck. Materials full of character such as millennia-old bog oak and expressive olive wood lend this modern design series that special something. Brushes, shavers and safety razors are also available in classic colours for cosmopolitans with a penchant for black.

The Material - Spalted Beech

The natural grain is accentuated by the hammering of the wood. Soaked with resin, the handles made of spalted beech allow water and lather to drip off with ease. A delightful contrast made from a local raw material.

The Brushhead - Silvertip Badger 

A tried and trusted classic and the undisputed leader of the natural hair range: silvertip badger is particularly soft and flexible and is exclusively handmade at MÜHLE. Its silver sheen and a black band around each individual hair, which connoisseurs call a mirror, are noble distinguishing features. Its fine, conically shaped hair absorbs a lot of water and guarantees a dense, creamy lather.

The Razor Head - Gillette Mach 3

A global bestseller: Gillette® Mach3® and Mach3® Turbo are among the world’s most widely used shaving systems. Three blades set one on top of the other guarantee an effective shave. Skin guards to protect your skin get the beard hair just right, while the lubrication strip reduces irritation of the skin. The blades are available from retailers everywhere.

As a Gillette® Trusted Partner, MÜHLE only uses Gillette® Genuine Parts.



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